saint petersburg, florida

our broadwater community | board of directors 2025

This site is dedicated to providing news and information for the Broadwater Community in Saint Petersburg, Florida and its residents.

  • Broadwater FL
    Hurricane Related Codes Cases

    Due to the large number of homes affected by Hurricanes Helene & Milton, the city of St Petersburg has opened code cases on homes they suspect may have been damaged.  Your home may be one of those even if you did not incur any damage. 
    More information can be found HERE.

    HERE to check to see if there is a codes case on your property.

    If you believe your property was included on the damage assessment list in error and your codes case should be closed, please contact the City at or 727-893-7373 and a member of the management team will review the details surrounding your property.

    4th Annual Broadwater Easter Egg Hunt & Brunch
    2025 broadwater brunch & easter egg hunt, Saturday April 19th 10 AM – 1 PM

    RSVP HERE by April 12th

    Salt Tolerant Native Florida Plants

    It is not uncommon to see over-sheared shrubs in landscapes especially since the saltwater damage due to the 2024 hurricanes. Over-pruning, sculpting, or topping shrubs is detrimental to plant health.  If you are interested in learning more about what plants to use in waterfront areas and how to care for them, click HERE.  More great info can be found HERE.

    Broadwater Holiday Party 2024
    21ST Annual BRODWATER Holiday Party

    Thanks to the 183 folks who attended our Annual Holiday Party on December 13th!!  The Armory was very festive thanks to lighting supplied by Kevin Lampman (Double Time Charters) and DJ and photo booth entertained us all night.  The food was great thanks to A Fresh Connection and our bartenders Cody, Zach & Will kept the spirits flowing all night.

    The 50/50 Raffle was won by Mildred Miller, and the basket raffle prizes were won by Pam Arnold, Sean Gottleib and Karlyn Bradshaw.  Thanks to M2 Promotions, Debbie & Mike Zito and Tom & Dana Ando for donating the gift baskets. Between the Holiday Party and Annual Meeting, we accepted $1027 in cash & checks for our National Guard Families.  That amount was matched by the Broadwater Civic Association, and with 50/50 proceeds of $239 added, the grand total donation was $2,293!! This money will be used to fund 2025 family activities for the Guard members and their families.  Thank you for your generosity and support, it is greatly appreciated!

    Special thanks to Kelli Lorino and Anne Gottleib for organizing this great event along with their volunteers: Anthony Lorino, Sean Gottleib, Ryan & Shelley DeBerry, Mike Zito, Tom Hobgood, John Rude, Tom & Dana Ando, Paige Riveron, Melissa Webb, Maribeth Rainwater, Luz Sackett, Charlotte Gottleib, Will Seeley, Jean Sheahen, and our photographer Erkki Taada.  We also thank Sgt Richard Allee, Cameron Wallace and the National Guard for their partnership with Broadwater.  We couldn’t do this without them!! 

    View and Download Photos

    volunteers wanted

    We need a volunteer to manage the care of our common landscape areas.  Please contact Tom at if you would like to help.

    2024 broadwater cookout & easter egg hunt
    Broadwater Easter Event 2024
    The weather could not have been any nicer on Saturday March 30th for the 3rd Annual Broadwater Cookout and Easter Egg Hunt!  Huge thanks go out to the Canizares Family for allowing us to utilize their amazing property!!  106 adults and 44 children enjoyed the music, inflatables, crafts, food, and drinks.  The kids enjoyed the Easter Egg Hunt along with photo ops with the Easter Bunny!!  There were many residents who made this event happen.  Mel Moss led the volunteer effort with the help of Anne & Sean Gottleib, Dana & Tom Ando, Kevin Webb, Jeanne & Mike Compitello, Eva Felix, Jon Kind, Vicki Linkovich,  John Lampman, Amanda Long, chefs Mike Zito, Steve Ando & Mike Roesner, bartenders Don Moss & Anthony Lorino, Jeff Trosclair & David Robinson for providing trash and recycling cans and Kevin Lampman (Molecular Media) for providing the audio system and ice. Special thanks go out to our Easter Bunny Paula Briggs and Annika Joyner & Addy Dambeck for handling the kid’s craft table!!  

    Huge thanks to our wonderful event sponsors Summit Global Private Wealth, Exhale Wellness Spa & Tea Room, Beauty Secret Esthetics and Modern Medical Aesthetics!   Thanks to our Easter Egg Hunt sponsors Beef O’Brady’s and Tropical Smoothie Cafe for providing gift cards for the Golden Eggs.  Thanks to all who attended, our newsletter advertisers, paid Association Members who make these events possible, and all who participated in the 50/50 raffle. 

    Photos can be viewed and downloaded

    Broadwater Holiday Party

    38th St S between 46th Ave S and 48th Ave S was once an ugly area (see before photo).  With the help of a matching grant from the City of St Petersburg and private donations from Broadwater residents, we were able to transform the area into a thing of beauty!  Under the supervision of John Sokol and Mike Zito, the area is maintained (by Al Mills)  with continued donations from residents.  If you would like to donate to the fund, please mail your donation to Jon Kind at 4179 38th Way S, 33711 and be sure to write “38th St S Beautification” on the check made out to Broadwater Civic Association.


    Current Watering Restrictions

    Broadwater History Info

    Thanks to Broadwater resident Derek Kilborn for another great presentation at our General Meeting Thursday.  Visit Derek's Share Folder to view his collection of Broadwater history.

    If you have any historical photos or articles to share, email Derek at

    Good Neighbor Guides & Codes
    There have been many codes questions that have come up recently that can be answered with a click of the mouse.  The City of St Petersburg has a great codes site that has codes information and Good Neighbor Guides that simplify codes and help you resolve neighborhood issues.

    Click HERE for the Codes website and HERE for Good Neighbor Guides.
    concerned about our waterways?

    Early detection of red tide blooms allows researchers at FWC (Florida Fish & Wildlife Conservation Commission) to provide warning to coastal residents in the area, continue research, and predict seasonal events. We have community volunteers in our neighborhood to expand the spatial coverage of the FWC’s monitoring program by collecting water samples from areas where red tide or any other water quality issue is suspected. Because of limited state personnel, boats and other limited resources, the program relies on volunteers to help monitor inshore bays and offshore coastal waters off the Gulf of Mexico. Two water samples can be collected every couple of weeks in two different locations within our neighborhood.
    If you feel there is an indication of red tide or any other water quality issue, please text Mel Moss at 727-276-9345

    Click HERE to view Testing Results Site Map and HERE for more FWC information.

    Hump Day
    hump day happy hour

    If you are looking for an opportunity to meet your Broadwater neighbors, please attend Hump Day Happy Hour.  This casual group was created by two neighbors that wanted  to meet and socially connect with other Broadwater neighbors. The group has grown in popularity and is a fun time for all, especially if you are new to Broadwater.  The group moves around to support local businesses and meets every other Wednesday from 5:45pm - ?

    Feb 19: Sky Beach
    March 12: Red, White & Booze
    March 26: Red, White & Booze
    April 9: Tiki Docks
    April 23: Tiki Docks


    Click HERE for more info.

    Golf Carts in the Community
    little free libraries

    The Little Free Library is a great place to find a book and also leave a book for someone else to enjoy.
    We have two Little Free Libraries in Broadwater located at 4148 41st Circle S thanks to Louis & Mary Beth Castaneda and 3928 46th Ave S thanks to Frank McKinney!!

    Broadwater Free Library

    Broadwater is an active neighborhood in which many residents walk on a regular basis.  46th Ave S is perhaps our busiest street that on any given day has a wide variety of activity between walkers, bikers, lawn maintenance vehicles, delivery vehicles and residential traffic.  Due to the width of 46th Ave S, these activities can sometimes cause for an unsafe atmosphere for pedestrians and bikers. The bottom line is we all need to watch our speed when driving on Broadwater streets.  Keep your eyes ahead so you can anticipate obstacles or pedestrians and slow even further.  46th Ave S is  3500’ long and at 20 MPH it takes 2 minutes to travel from one end to the other.  At 40 MPH it takes 1 minute so don’t let 60 seconds of saved time change your life or someone else’s.  We will also be working on slowing down non-resident traffic on 46th Ave S and throughout Broadwater.  If you happen to see excessive speeding and can see a company name, please report it to the company so they are made aware and can advise their employees.

  • 4th Annual Broadwater Easter Egg Hunt & Brunch
    nexthome southpointe's annual easter event

    Friday, April 18th 10 AM – Noon  4880 37th St S
    This annual event is a great time for families with younger children!! 
    There will be an easter egg hunt, photos with the easter bunny, crafts, and more.

    6th Annual Broadwater Golf Cart Parade
    6th annual holiday golf cart parade

    December 23rd was a gorgeous night for a holiday parade as 13 carts (including two from Maximo Moorings) and a horse and buggy made their way through the streets of Broadwater to the delight of enthusiastic residents!! There were many great block parties along the route with some treating the parade entrants to some holiday spirits!  Thanks to Sean & Jennifer Nyitray who had the top bid at the Holiday Party to ride the horse and carriage along with their daughter and grandson! The parade culminated at Tiki Docks with the awarding of the trophy and prizes for our top 3 vote getters.  Thanks to Jeff and Alicia Joyner for organizing another great event, all of our participants for putting on a great show and the folks along the route who voted for their favorite cart. Thanks to David Smith and Erkki Taada for sharing some great photos!

    The top three carts were:
    3rd Place: #1  Surfin’ Santa The JoynersGolf Cart Parade 2024 - 3rd Place #1
    2nd Place: #8  Grinchmas  The Zackers  Golf Cart Parade 2024 - 2nd Place #8
    1st Place:  #4   Let It Snow Tony & Katheryn Wolz Golf Cart Parade 2024 - 1st Place #4

    View and Download Photos

    Email to get notified for 2025 parade entry

    Golf Cart Parade 2024
  • Caroling with Volante of St. Petersburg

    Thanks to the employees and residents of Volante for coming to Broadwater on December 20th to share some Holiday Cheer aboard the St Pete Trolley!! We had a nice turnout of residents in the 45th St S cul-de-sac along with some great treats and hot cocoa compliments of Paige Riveron, Alma Parks, Janet Bergeron, Cheryl Miranne and Kristin Bercume

    Click HERE to view and download photos and videos.
    halloween 2024
    Helene and Milton forced us to cancel our Annual Halloween Event, but we were able to salvage some fun on Halloween night thanks to Alicia Joyner and Mel Moss.  They put together a fun night of games and treats for Broadwater kids with the 38th St S Carnival.  Thanks to all who came by and thanks to the other residents who organized their street to make it a fun and safe night for trick or treaters! 

    View photos from 38th St S HERE.
    Your dues support this publication and all activities of the Broadwater Civic Association.  Thanks to our 161 paid members (30%) so far in 2025.  If you have not joined yet, you can download the form HEREPlease be sure to fill it out completely even if your information has not changed.  This will ensure that we have your information up to date.  Please mail or drop it off to our treasurer Jon Kind or bring it to the General Meeting on March 6th.  If you are not sure if you have paid your dues, email your name and address to 
    broadwater what's app group

    If you use What's App and want to connect with other Broadwater residents, join the Broadwater What's App Group HERE

    skyway trail rules

    The Skyway Trail permits non-motorized vehicles only, with exceptions for EPAMDs, electric bikes meeting Class I, II, or III classifications, electric wheelchairs, maintenance vehicles, law enforcement, and emergency vehicles.

    E-Bike are classified as bikes under Florida State Statute 316.20655 and are classified in the following way:

    Class I: Pedal-assist only, where the pedal-assist cuts off at 20 mph, and the user must physically pedal to go faster.

    Class II: Throttle on demand — operates by a throttle, by pedal-assist or both, where the throttle cuts off at 20 mph and the user must pedal to go faster.

    Class III: Pedal-assist only, where the pedal-assist cuts off at 28 mph and the user must pedal to go faster.

    Per St. Pete Code of Ordinances Sec 26-404(f) e-scooters are also allowed on shared use trails with specific exceptions for the North Bay Tail, the Pier, and the Pinellas Trail west of 34th St.

    Broadwater Scene - Marina Club
    scene in broadwater
    Soon to be opned Marina Club under a full moon!

    Share your photos of anything Broadwater via email  and you may see it in the Broadwater Breeze or on the website for all to see what Broadwater has to offer!

    Broadwater Monthly Walks
    short term rentals in broadwater

    For residential properties within the City of St. Petersburg, short-term rentals (durations of less than 30 days) may only be rented a maximum of three times within any consecutive 365-day period. Short-term rentals exceeding this allowance are a violation of city code. If you are having an issue with a short term rental, it is sometimes best to inform the owner of the code.  If that doesn’t work, contact the codes department, or submit via SeeClickFix or the Mayor’s Action Line.

    Broadwater bLOCK CAPTAINS

    Broadwater’s 23 Block Captains are your street level representatives and are the lifeblood of Broadwater.  Each street or area has a Block Captain assigned to be your first contact for neighborhood questions or concerns.  Block Captains also hand deliver the Broadwater Breeze and can collect your 2025 membership dues.  

    If you do not know who your Block Captain is, click HERE.
    We have two new Block Captains on 42nd Ave S.  Laurie Byrne replaces Phil & Edit Creter for the 3700-3796 block and Tom Hoddinott replaces Janice McWilliams for the 3800-4250 block.  Welcome to Laurie and Tom and our thanks go out to Phil & Edie for their 17 years and Janice for her 12 years of dedicated service to Broadwater!!

    Thanks to all our Block Captains for making Broadwater a great place to live!!

    broadwater neighborhood watch corner

    Click Here for the Latest

    Remember to close your garage door when unattended.
    Don’t leave valuables in your vehicles and be sure to lock your vehicles when unattended. Remind guests and contractors to do the same.

    Dirty Water in Broadwater Canals
    Debris In Our Waters

    Many of our landscapers routinely blow grass clippings and other yard debris into our waters and streets.  Did you know that no matter where this happens in Broadwater the debris will end up in our canals and Boca Ciega Bay?  Did you know that fines up to $10,000 can be levied for allowing yard debris, grass clippings or pet waste to enter our waters even via street drains?  This type of activity can contribute to algae blooms that lead to red tide and frankly make our canals ugly!  Your lawn service is required to know these facts as well.  In fact they are required to obtain a Best Management Practices (BMP) certification to do business in Pinellas County.  The BMP course is a one-time 3 hour course that all employees are required to take.  In order to protect our waters let’s be proactive and make sure that we and our lawn services are aware of and follow these practices.  If you observe illegal activity you should make the person aware and if it continues you should report it to Pinellas County.  Together we can keep our waters clean.  For much more information please visit St. Operations/Stormwater Education.

    report an injured bird
    Birds in Helping Hands are a licensed wildlife rehabilitator located in Seminole providing 24/7 wildlife care.  If you find injured or orphaned wildlife on the west central coast of Florida, call Shelley at 727-365-4592.  We have a volunteer in Broadwater that Shelly can contact for quick response. More info can be found at

    If you could change the life of a child by giving 30 minutes a week, would you do it?  Lunch Pals is a partnership between Pinellas County Schools and local businesses, organizations and residents designed to help students succeed in education and life in general.  You can help by mentoring a student during their lunch break once a week either in person or virtually.  Learn more at

    Have a codes issue or question?

    Download SeeClickFix on your phone to report any codes issues. You can take a photo of the issue and submit with the location to be handled by the appropriate agency and department.  Look for this logo at your app store.

info & updates

  • Welcome Aboard!

    Mary Lisan, Maria Roesner, Katie Willis and Evelyn Hill make up the Welcome Aboard Committee.  They handle the important task of making sure our new neighbors receive a proper welcome.  If you are new to Broadwater and have not been contacted by Welcome Aboard, please email with your contact information so that we can let you know about all of the things that make Broadwater such a great neighborhood and provide you with some welcome gifts.  Any resident can let our Welcome Aboard ladies know about a new resident via email at

  • Spring 2025 Beautification

    Spring 2025 Beautification Award

    Congratulations Sam & Tiffany Powell 3836 42nd Avenue S! The Powells will receive a $50 gift certificate compliments of
    Debbie and Mike Zito.727-865-TEAM(8326)
    Homes@StPeteTeam.comDebbie Zito

  • Connecting with Broadwater
    Broadwater has several tools to stay informed and also network with neighbors.We encourage you to use these tools to keep up to date with everything going on in Broadwater.
  • This Website: should be your first stop if you are looking for event information and answers to neighborhood or city questions.  The Resources and Useful Links Tabs are a great place to start when you need answers.
  • Nextdoor
    Nextdoor is a neighborhood network for area residents. It encompasses most St Petersburg neighborhoods so you will need to adjust your settings to avoid receiving annoying emails and messages from other neighborhoods.  If you wish to sell or buy items in Broadwater this is the way to do it.  You are able to post just in Broadwater or surrounding neighborhoods. If you have lost or found a pet, Nextdoor is the place to post.

    For Nextdoor Help go to find out more about Nextdoor and subscribe, go to
  • Broadwater Infolink
    Broadwater Infolink is an email service that provides you with notifications of happenings in Broadwater and surrounding neighborhoods. With over 600 subscribers, Infolink is a good way to let folks know about upcoming events or if you are having a yard sale you would like to advertise. Infolink is also used to let neighbors know about crime and safety issues in the area. Nextdoor is the place to buy and sell items in Broadwater as we do not do this via Infolink anymore.
    If you previously registered for Infolink and have not received any emails recently, your address may be out of date or your service may be blocking them as spam. If you change your email address, be sure to notify us via email at
    Click here to subscribe to Broadwater Infolink Your information will be kept confidential, and you will not receive spam or advertising e-mail and you may unsubscribe at any time.
  • Friendly Reminders
    Trash & Recycling Holiday Schedules
    More City of St. Petersburg Sanitation Info
    Do not blow yard debris into the streets or canals.  This is illegal and can lead to algae blooms and fish kills
    Please clean up after your pet.  It is against city ordinance to not pick up their waste so carry a bag and help keep Broadwater Beautiful!
    By city ordinance (Sec. 27-471), customers may place both trash and recycling containers at the curb after 7 PM the night before collection. They must be moved from the street by 7 PM the day of collection.
    Please discourage your dock company from using 38th St S (46th Ave to 48th Ave) to load materials.
    Please be mindful of the speed limit in Broadwater especially with children out of school for the summer.
    As a responsible homeowner you are required to maintain the gutter line in front of your property.  Keeping the gutter clean not only enhances the look of your property but also keep water flowing to the storm drains.  Standing water promotes algae growth and mosquito breeding.  Yard clippings should not be left in the gutter or swept into the storm drains as they will end up in the canal.  If you use a lawn service please remind them of these important points.
  • Helping Hands
    Broadwater Helping Hands is a program developed to assist our residents who need temporary or permanent assistance and do not have the resources readily available to obtain effective assistance.

    Click to view a short video of the volunteer effort